Sheet metal and wire parts of smaller
dimensions are our specialty.

About Us

Million-piece series are no problem for us.

We specialize in the production of small metal parts and assembled units. We have been capable of manufacturing these parts in million-piece series since 1996, when the company was founded by Mr. Vlastimil Večerek. In 1999, a quality management system according to ČSN EN ISO 9001 was implemented and in 2010, the company VlaVe Lisovna s.r.o. was established. 

Our satisfied customers include companies from the automotive, electrical engineering, and food industries. 


When it comes to quality, we make no compromises.

The main goal of our company is maximum customer satisfaction, employee health and safety and environmental protection. Since 1999, the company has implemented a quality management system according to ČSN EN ISO 9001.
In 2024, the company has implemented an environmental management system according to ČSN EN ISO 14001. 


Our satisfied customers know they can rely on us.